Alimama (formerly AdsMogo)
AdsMOGO is the largest Mobile SSP and Ad Exchange in China, which was acquired in January 2015, by Alibaba. It is now called Alimama. Also called AFP "Alimama for Publishers".
Code-Erkennungsregel: com.adsmogo. | com.alimama.
Netzwerkerkennungsregel: \.alimama\. | \.adsmogo\.
Neueste Berichte mit diesem Tracker
3.3.0 International build 5518 - google
3.3.0 International build 5516 - google
3.3.0 International build 5514 - google
3.3.0 International build 5505 - google
3.2.0 International build 5500 - google
3.2.0 International build 5499 - google
3.2.0 International build 5498 - google