We have not found code signature of any tracker we know in the application.
The application could contain tracker(s) we do not know yet.
We have found the following permissions in the application:
access approximate location only in the foreground
access precise location only in the foreground
take pictures and videos
INTERNET have full network access
The icon indicates a 'Dangerous' or 'Special' level according to Google's protection levels.
Fingerprint: 668c7fac2512eda14fee4321eed6b28b447804f3
Issuer: countryName=DE, stateOrProvinceName=NRW, localityName=Aachen, organizationName=INFORM, organizationalUnitName=Logistics, commonName=Jonathan Diehl
Subject: countryName=DE, stateOrProvinceName=NRW, localityName=Aachen, organizationName=INFORM, organizationalUnitName=Logistics, commonName=Jonathan Diehl
Serial: 59118724