We have not found code signature of any tracker we know in the application.
The application could contain tracker(s) we do not know yet.
We have found the following permission in the application:
INTERNET have full network access
The icon indicates a 'Dangerous' or 'Special' level according to Google's protection levels.
Fingerprint: 9eb1401399b175538ff918ae5cb9dae2f5d98755
Issuer: countryName=49, stateOrProvinceName=Baden W�rttemberg, localityName=Ulm, organizationName=Unknown, organizationalUnitName=Unknown, commonName=Hans-Peter Lehmann
Subject: countryName=49, stateOrProvinceName=Baden W�rttemberg, localityName=Ulm, organizationName=Unknown, organizationalUnitName=Unknown, commonName=Hans-Peter Lehmann
Serial: 1284876630