com.fug.flashnotification logo

Flash Alert

Version 1.1.0 - see other versions
Source: Google Play
Created by FUG
Downloads: 100,000+
Report created on Aug. 11, 2018, 9:26 a.m. and updated on July 19, 2024, 2:08 p.m.

1 tracker

We have found code signature of the following tracker in the application:

Google CrashLytics

crash reporting

A tracker is a piece of software meant to collect data about you or your usages. Learn more...

10 permissions

We have found the following permissions in the application:

ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE view network connections

ACCESS_WIFI_STATE view Wi-Fi connections

   CALL_PHONE directly call phone numbers

   CAMERA take pictures and videos


INTERNET have full network access

   READ_PHONE_STATE read phone status and identity

   RECEIVE_SMS receive text messages (SMS)

VIBRATE control vibration


The icon    indicates a 'Dangerous' or 'Special' level according to Google's protection levels.

Permissions are actions the application can do on your phone. Learn more...

What's next?

If this application does not sufficiently respect your privacy in your opinion, some alternatives exist!
This report lists trackers signatures found by static analysis in this APK. This is not a proof of activity of these trackers.

The application could contain tracker(s) we do not know yet.
If you have doubts about this report, contact us.

Signed by

Fingerprint: 0992a86a8f60d2162226b0cfee10f19188a7665d

Issuer: commonName=Dzhadan

Subject: commonName=Dzhadan

Serial: 673394866