We have not found code signature of any tracker we know in the application.
The application could contain tracker(s) we do not know yet.
We have found the following permissions in the application:
take pictures and videos
CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE allow Wi-Fi Multicast reception
INTERNET have full network access
The icon indicates a 'Dangerous' or 'Special' level according to Google's protection levels.
Fingerprint: 94e5cae1c30cf5f7f773cc99954694cab89408cc
Issuer: countryName=55, stateOrProvinceName=MG, localityName=BH, organizationName=-, organizationalUnitName=-, commonName=Alessandro Ribeiro
Subject: countryName=55, stateOrProvinceName=MG, localityName=BH, organizationName=-, organizationalUnitName=-, commonName=Alessandro Ribeiro
Serial: 466514620