We have found code signature of the following trackers in the application:
advertisement identification
A tracker is a piece of software meant to collect data about you or your usages. Learn more...
We have found the following permissions in the application:
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE view network connections
INTERNET have full network access
VIBRATE control vibration
WAKE_LOCK prevent phone from sleeping
The icon indicates a 'Dangerous' or 'Special' level according to Google's protection levels.
Fingerprint: e870dead382d34c4ddafe81a942fba7e58bf45b0
Issuer: countryName=AT, stateOrProvinceName=Vienna, localityName=Vienna, organizationName=ORF Online & Teletext GmbH, organizationalUnitName=Software Deveplopment, commonName=Bernd Neugebauer
Subject: countryName=AT, stateOrProvinceName=Vienna, localityName=Vienna, organizationName=ORF Online & Teletext GmbH, organizationalUnitName=Software Deveplopment, commonName=Bernd Neugebauer
Serial: 1256446327