Abbiamo trovato i codici di firma dei seguenti tracker nell'applicazione:
location analytics
Un tracker è un software pensato per raccogliere dati su di te o sui tuoi utilizzi. Leggi di più...Abbiamo trovato i permessi seguenti nell'applicazione:
ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION access precise location only in the foreground
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE view network connections
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE view network connections
ACCESS_WIFI_STATE view Wi-Fi connections
BLUETOOTH pair with Bluetooth devices
BLUETOOTH pair with Bluetooth devices
BLUETOOTH_ADMIN access Bluetooth settings
CALL_PHONE directly call phone numbers
CAMERA take pictures and videos
GET_ACCOUNTS find accounts on the device
GET_TASKS retrieve running apps
INTERNET have full network access
INTERNET have full network access
INTERNET have full network access
INTERNET have full network access
INTERNET have full network access
INTERNET have full network access
MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS change your audio settings
NFC control Near Field Communication
READ_CONTACTS read your contacts
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE read the contents of your shared storage
READ_PHONE_STATE read phone status and identity
READ_PHONE_STATE read phone status and identity
RECEIVE_MMS receive text messages (MMS)
RECEIVE_SMS receive text messages (SMS)
RECORD_AUDIO record audio
RECORD_AUDIO record audio
USE_FINGERPRINT use fingerprint hardware
VIBRATE control vibration
WAKE_LOCK prevent phone from sleeping
WRITE_CONTACTS modify your contacts
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE modify or delete the contents of your shared storage
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE modify or delete the contents of your shared storage
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE modify or delete the contents of your shared storage
INSTALL_SHORTCUT install shortcuts
L'icona indica un livello 'Pericoloso' o 'Speciale' secondo i livelli di protezione di Google.
I permessi sono azioni che l'applicazione può fare sul telefono. Leggi di più...Impronta digitale: c6659dfcf99b0f59a7205c1d22df3cfcc4359378
Emittente: countryName=KR, organizationName=hanabank, organizationalUnitName=channel, commonName=HanaBank-Android
Oggetto: countryName=KR, organizationName=hanabank, organizationalUnitName=channel, commonName=HanaBank-Android
Serie: 1270044662